Schlagwort: antibody tests
CD9-Antigen (CD9)-Antikörper
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Mindestens 17 Säugetier-Tetraspanin-Proteine wurden identifiziert, die jeweils vier hochgradig homologe Transmembrandomänen und kurze intrazelluläre N- und C-Termini enthalten. Die Proteine sind durch das Vorhandensein einer großen extrazellulären Domäne gekennzeichnet, die eine große Aminosäurediversität zeigt, mit Ausnahme von vier hoch konservierten Cysteinresten, von denen vorhergesagt wird, dass sie an Disulfidbindungen beteiligt sind. Die konservierte Natur der…
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BrdU Cell Proliferation ELISA Kit
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After eradicating labeling medium, cells are fastened and the DNA is denatured with our fixing/denaturing reply. Then a BrdU mouse mAb is added to detect the built-in BrdU (The denaturing of DNA is crucial to bolster the accessibility of the built-in BrdU to the detection antibody). Anti-mouse IgG, HRP-linked antibody is then used to acknowledge…
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Phire and Phusion Kits
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What’s Direct PCR? Direct PCR (dPCR) is a technique of DNA amplification straight from an animal or plant tissue pattern with out performing DNA isolation and purification steps. This system drastically reduces experimental time, and price in genotyping and high-volume tasks. It additionally supplies a greater possibility when confronted with the challenges of amplifying a really…
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RNase R from BioVision
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RELATED PRODUCTS: • RNase A (Cat# M1227-25) • RNaseOFF ribonuclease Inhibitor (Cat# M1238-4000) • DNase, E.coli DNA Ligase (Cat# M1217-100) • Hyperlink-FAST 5 Minutes DNA Ligation Package deal (Cat# Okay902-50) • New T4 DNA Ligase (Cat# M1247-200) • T4 DNA Ligase (5 u/μl) (Cat# 9101-250) • T4 RNA Ligase 1 (ssRNA Ligase) (Cat# M1218-100) •…
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